Dating artificial intelligence is an area that has not until recently remained untapped. It’s mysterious, only to be shown in science fiction movies, like the Black Mirror dating episode, or ‘Her’ the movie about the talking AI which became Joaquin Phoenix’s friend. However, AI empowers us in so many areas of our lives (with or without us even knowing it!).
For example, when you search in Google… this is AI or artificial intelligence creating your results. Bringing AI to the dating industry is a no-brainer. Until recently dating apps have existed in generally the same space. They’ve always essentially performed the same basic functions. Type in your profile, search for users, send messages, block spam – in order to search for love. But what if AI could search for a date for you? How can AI find love, on your behalf? How can AI look for a date for you?
Instead of having to manually search within dating apps, dating AI could help you with this process. As of this very moment, this is a reality. AI can ask you questions, get to know you, and facilitate romantic connections for you – and it already is in one new AI matchmaking service available today. Artificial intelligence can lead you by the hand into a potential relationship, and AI can find love, or look for a date for you.

Conceptualizing Dating AI

So often when we conceptualize dating AI we focus on the thought of AI finding the ‘perfect mate’ for us, the one true mate for all of us in the world. But perhaps the goal should not be for AI to just find the ‘perfect’ mate. This is a rather ostentatious goal. Perhaps we should start with AI building people up to each other in a simple way, so they can get to know each other, step by step. This would be a great next step beyond current dating apps. We need our hands held by a dating AI that understands the stages and processes of romantic relationships. What it takes to start, what it takes to get on a phone call, then to a date.
Society needs a dating AI capable of leading a person, step-by-step into a successful relationship. Because dating is difficult! So often you will not know what to do, when to respond to message, how many messages to send, how to follow up, whether to express interest. Dating is riddled with pitfalls. And without any assistance, it’s difficult to tell if the person likes you after a date. That is where dating AI can truly step in and solve these problems. Dating AI can introduce you to a mate, first of all, then AI can explain their personality in way that’s fun an easy to digest.
It can do that TODAY. Not only can AI find a partner that is compatible, more importantly, it will introduce you in a comfortable manner, and dating AI will guide you step-by-step through the process, including talking with you after the date. Sometimes just being introduced in a meaningful way (instead of by quick pictures) really helps you sink into a person and start to get a feeling for them.

AIMM - The Dating Coach

Love isn’t just about finding the perfect “one” in the world (many of us believe there are many ‘perfect one’s!), love is also about facilitating the initial connection – which is one of the most important things that matchmaking services focus on: facilitating the initial connection, because it’s so important. Dating AI can do that, now. Do you feel comfortable with each other? Dating artificial intelligence in the form of a talking ‘assistant’ or ‘dating coach’ can help you become fond of a person, grow to like that person, and can similarly talk to the other person at the same time and do the same thing with them! When that person is deemed compatible with you by the dating AI, it can move you both forward, comfortably, without rushing, and continually share feedback between the people. It’s time for us to start using AI as a ‘dating coach’, rather than a nebulous source of all of our answers.
That being said, AI is not the all-knowing God. AI is a tool, and when needed, can simulate human interactions. Dating AI is a step in the right direction towards facilitating romantic connections between people. An AI dating coach can guide you in a similar manner that a person would (or a human matchmaker) and rather than searching through galleries ourselves like we have for SO LONG, artificial intelligence can help us find, then help build up the start of a great relationship automatically. This form of dating AI which follows through the introduction, matching, and follow up from the date is an all-encompassing method for getting people together.
One app which centers its entire existence around this concept of dating AI is called AIMM. AIMM is a fully talking dating AI, or conversational matchmaking intelligence, a talking dating app if you will, or talking matchmaking service converted to AI… meaning, you talk to the AI, and the AI talks to you back. This is an entirely new type of dating service, which firmly steps into this brave new world of artificially intelligent ‘coaches’. AIMM is a human matchmaker, or dating coach, simulated from real life matchmaking services, designed to not only find love on your behalf, but also build you up to the person step-by-step, holding your hand while doing so, making sure other people are off your plate, then following up with you after your first phone call and date, all using dating AI or dating artificial intelligence.
AIMM is talking app which leads conversations in order to get to know you. Unlike Siri, AIMM will continue to talk with you, then, using artificial intelligence and dating AI begins to pair you with people who fit well with you. You won’t be making a profile in AIMM, and you won’t be sending messages. You’ll simply talk to the dating AI long enough for it to get to know you, then once it’s ready, it begins introducing you to people automatically. AIMM is a fully talking artificially intelligent matchmaking service, currently available in the Apple App Store. AIMM gets to know you for up to a week, then begins matching you with people. But instead of just dropping you into a chat room, as a dating app would, AIMM uses dating AI to speak to you about the person, conveying the person in a friendly way so that you can understand.
Because AIMM utilizes dating AI in such a way, it can feel as easy as talking to a friend. To use it, you simply pick it up and continue answering its questions. AIMM doesn’t purport to be an all-knowing AI, although the AI does have an attitude, AIMM knows it’s sole purpose is to facilitate romantic connections. There are no gimmicks, no profits schemes, and AIMM follows the most respectful manner possible to accomplish its goal. If this sounds for you, give it a try today in Apple’s App Store. Currently AIMM is only available for iPhone and iPad users – though in the future it will be expanded.

AI Voice Recognition

Voice recognition and voice activated dating ai has not been available in a usable form until recently. Additionally, iPhones and others phones have not gained the processing power required for artificial intelligence in the ways that are useful, until now. AIMM proclaims itself as the future of dating AI, and proclaims the future is here, today. One very easy way to understand what AIMM offers is by watching its video, which shows exactly how it works: